A Guide to Conducting a Successful Internal Audit Kickoff Meeting

Internal audit kickoff meeting

We all know the common expression, “you only get one chance to make a good first impression.” For internal audit, this chance often comes during the kickoff meeting. This introductory meeting will often set the tone for the entire audit. Its primary objective is to align the auditors and auditee on the audit’s scope, objectives, timeline, and expectations. The meeting provides an opportunity to establish clear lines of communication, clarify roles and responsibilities, and build rapport between the audit team and the auditee.

Here, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to conduct an effective internal audit kickoff meeting, highlighting its importance, objectives, key participants, and necessary preparations.

Preparing for the Internal Audit Kickoff Meeting

There are several steps internal auditors can take to prepare for the kickoff meeting. They include:

  1. Define the Audit Objectives: Clearly articulate the purpose and goals of the audit. Identify the specific areas or processes to be examined and the desired outcomes.
  2. Determine the Scope: Define the boundaries and limitations of the audit. Specify the time frame, departments, locations, or functions to be included.
  3. Assemble the Audit Team: Select auditors with the relevant expertise and knowledge. Assign roles such as lead auditor, documentation reviewer, and subject matter experts as necessary.
  4. Conduct Pre-Meeting Research: Familiarize yourself with the auditee’s processes, policies, and applicable regulations. Review previous audit reports, findings, and corrective actions.
  5. Prepare an Agenda: Outline the topics to be discussed during the meeting. Allocate sufficient time for each agenda item and prioritize critical issues.
  6. Send Invitations: Distribute meeting invitations to the key participants, including auditors, auditee representatives, management, and any other relevant stakeholders. Provide the agenda and any reading materials.

The Internal Audit Kickoff Meeting Process

If you have prepared well for the kickoff meeting it should go smoothly. Keep in mind that auditees may have some anxiety about the upcoming audit. They will often have preconceived notions that they audit may be an exercise in the internal auditors trying to play “gotcha!” It’s important to alleviate these fears and clearly communicate the purpose of the audit.

They may also have concerns about the schedule of the internal audit work and see the audit as a distraction from their day-to-day duties. Indeed, we all have busy schedules and they may view the audit as providing extra work on top of their already full days. For this reason, it’s also important to be transparent about the scheduling of the audit work and to work to make the audit as painless as possible for the process or unit that is being audited.

See also, “How Some Teams Are Taking a Customer-Service Approach to Internal Auditing.”

The following are some steps to take during the kickoff meeting to help allay these fears, set expectations, and communicate clearly to the auditees:

  1. Introduction and Opening Remarks: a. Welcome all attendees and introduce yourself and the audit team members. b. State the purpose of the meeting and the audit’s importance to the organization. c. Outline the meeting’s agenda and expected outcomes.
  2. Review of Audit Objectives and Scope: a. Present the audit objectives, scope, and expected deliverables. b. Provide an overview of the audit methodology and explain any unique approaches or tools to be used. c. Discuss the audit timeline, key milestones, and any dependencies.
  3. Roles and Responsibilities: a. Clarify the roles and responsibilities of the audit team members. b. Define the roles and expectations for auditee representatives, including the provision of requested documentation or information.
  4. Communication and Information Sharing: a. Establish channels and protocols for communication throughout the audit process. b. Discuss the frequency and format of progress updates, status meetings, and any interim reporting requirements. c. Specify the confidentiality of information shared during the audit and any data protection measures.
  5. Document Review and Access: a. Discuss the documents, records, or systems that auditors may require access to during the audit. b. Explain the need for auditee cooperation in providing necessary documentation promptly. c. Address any concerns regarding sensitive or confidential information.
  6. Q&A and Discussion: a. Provide an opportunity for auditees to ask questions or seek clarification. b. Encourage open dialogue and address any concerns or challenges raised. c. Seek input from auditees regarding specific areas of focus or potential risks.
  7. Closing Remarks: a. Summarize the key points discussed during the meeting. b. Reiterate the importance of cooperation and commitment from all parties involved. c. Establish the next steps and confirm any follow-up actions or meetings.

Post-Kickoff Meeting Actions

Congratulations, you’ve conducted a great internal audit kickoff meeting. The internal audit team and the auditees are now on the same page and everyone knows what do expect during the audit. The initial work involving the kickoff meeting isn’t done, however. To set the upcoming audit on the right path there is still some work to do. Post-kickoff meeting activities include:

  1. Documentation and Reporting: Document the meeting minutes, including the key discussions, decisions, and action items. Distribute the minutes to all attendees for review and confirmation.
  2. Follow-up Actions: Assign responsibilities for any action items identified during the meeting. Set deadlines and establish accountability to ensure timely completion.
  3. Ongoing Communication: Maintain regular communication with auditee representatives to address any queries or provide clarifications as needed. Share progress updates and adhere to the agreed-upon reporting schedule.

Conducting a well-executed internal audit kickoff meeting is a crucial step towards a successful audit process. It establishes a foundation for effective communication, collaboration, and understanding between auditors and auditees. By clearly defining the audit objectives, scope, roles, and responsibilities, the kickoff meeting ensures a focused and efficient audit process. Preparing adequately, following a structured meeting agenda, and documenting the discussions and action items contribute to a productive engagement. By leveraging the guidance provided in this article, organizations can maximize the value derived from internal audits and drive continuous improvement within their operations.

If you have executed the kickoff meeting well, the auditees will be all smiles when you arrive to conduct the actual audit.   Internal audit end slug

Joseph McCafferty is editor & publisher of Internal Audit 360°

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