A recent survey found that accountants and auditors are more likely to return to their firm’s offices than other professions. While many professionals indicate that remote work, necessitated by the pandemic, is likely to become more prevalent even when the pandemic is over, a larger portion of accountants say that they have resumed their commutes into offices, or soon plan to return.
The survey, conducted by Arizent, indicated that the accounting and audit profession has not fully embraced the idea that remote work will long outlive the pandemic. When asked how their employees will work one year from now, 53 percent of accounting leaders said they will work fully on company premises compared to just 43 percent of all respondents. Similarly, 61 percent of accounting leaders believe they will keep their current office footprint, the most out of any profession surveyed. Companies in the fintech industry are the least likely to keep their office footprint, with 68 percent planning on implementing changes.
Most notably, one third of all accountants are already working from the office full time. That number is more than twice the overall rate among survey respondents. This follows the overall sentiment demonstrated by accountants, of which there is little desire to continue working from home. Only 46 percent of accounting respondents said they are very or somewhat interested in continuing to work remotely.
The driving factor behind wanting to return to the office is the value placed on interacting with clients face to face. When asked what the most important use for the office is, 68 percent of accountants said that it’s mainly used for engaging with and meeting clients. CPA respondents also said the office helps employee performance and productivity, with 65 percent touting the importance of working with others in person to performing well on the job.
The survey polled close to 500 managers, executives, and senior leaders in banking, financial planning, fintech, financial services, accounting, and other professional occupations. As the pandemic winds down, industries are forced to decide whether to require employees to return to the office, or continue more lenient remote work policies. Based on the survey, accounting firms appear to be leaning toward a return to in-office work.