Category: Articles

Fraud Prevention

COSO Releases Fraud Risk Management Guide

The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) and the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) jointly announced the release of the Fraud Risk Management Guide: Second Edition, a new publication that offers a blueprint for helping organizations establish an overall Fraud Risk Management Program. The Guide updates Read More

A Conversation with Norman Marks

The IIA Draft Standards: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

We recently sat down with Norman Marks to talk about the recently proposed updated draft of the Institute of Internal Auditors’ professional practice standards. In March, the IIA released a draft version of an overhaul of its International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, generally referred to as Read More

Internal Audit vs. Quality Control

Internal Audit vs. Quality Control: What’s the Difference?

GUEST BLOG As a consultant, I review internal audit departments at multiple financial services organizations each year while conducting Quality Assurance Reviews. While my goal for these reviews is to help the internal audit become more efficient and effective, I also focus on providing reasonable assurance that the departments are Read More

Financial Reporting Council Launches Two Investigations into Ernst & Young

The U.K. Financial Reporting Council (FRC) announced it has launched two separate investigations in relation to audits conducted by Ernst & Young. On April 20, the FRC said it has commenced an investigation in relation to an audit conducted by Ernst & Young of the consolidated financial statements of Read More

Introverted internal audit leaders

Introverted vs. Extroverted Internal Audit Leaders: Which One Are You?

A few weeks ago, I met with a self-described “introverted” business leader. This business leader confided to me that introverted individuals have a harder time climbing the corporate ladder. The individual went further in claiming that recent research shows that it is worst for women, as introverted women are seen Read More

An Open Letter to the IIA Regarding the Draft Standards Update

GUEST BLOG Editor’s Note: The views expressed here are the opinions of the author. In March, the Institute of Internal Auditors released a draft version of an overhaul of its professional practice standards and framework that intend to guide the behavior and actions of internal auditors as they carry out Read More

Washington DC

Internal Audit Points to Fraud in D.C. Housing Authority Voucher Program

Reports of mismanagement and voucher fraud at the D.C. Housing Authority (DCHA) continue to pile up, At-large Councilmember Robert White insisted at a press conference on March 30. White, who has chaired the council’s Housing Committee since January, highlighted four instances of alleged wrongdoing within DCHA — three of which Read More