Category: Articles

Environmental reporting

CAQ and AICPA Issue Joint Roadmap for ESG Reporting

The building blocks of reliable, comparable and relevant environmental, social, and governance (ESG) information begin with a foundation of quality reporting by company management. Now companies have a new resource to improve ESG reporting. The American Institute of CPAs and Center for Audit Quality teamed up to provide audit practitioners Read More

Corruption perception index

Latest Index Finds Worsening Global Corruption, Including in the U.S.

A new report from Transparency International finds that corruption levels have increased around the world, including in some of the countries that have typically scored well, such as Canada, Australia, and the United States. Indeed, among the top 25 least corrupt countries, according to TI’s Corruption Perception Index (CPI), 15 Read More

internal audit and cost management

How Internal Audit Can Strengthen Cost Management

The pandemic has confronted many managers with the need to consider some belt tightening. Indeed, many organizations have been forced to delay capital investments, reduce inventory levels, furlough and lay off workers, and conduct other cost-cutting activities over the last months, as they worked to make ends meet. Internal audit Read More

A Checklist for Internal Audits of Manufacturing Systems

Manufacturing firms are facing increased threats from cybercriminals targeting weaknesses in supervisory, control, and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. Regulatory bodies recognize the data security challenges that manufacturers face and have initiated various requirements and standards of operations meant to safeguard data. Non-compliant firms risk huge fines or even jail terms Read More

deduping data

How to Resolve the Duplicate Data Problem
Data Deduplication for Dummies

Data duplication is a serious problem that has long plagued organizations and complicated the data analytics efforts of internal audit. At best, it hogs up expensive storage space and frustrates communications with customers; at worst it can lead companies to make flawed business judgements. Business users, data analysts, IT managers, Read More

Corporate Governance needs improvement

Report: U.S. Corp. Governance Improved in 2020, but Still Lacking

If the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted anything in corporate America, it is that the need for good governance structures is vital to effectively navigating these trying times. So how good are governance practices at major American companies? Not terrible, but not great either, says a new report from the Institute Read More

Reserve Bank of India

India Bank Regulator Pushes for Banks to Step Up Internal Audit Practices

The Reserve Bank of India called on India-based banks to align their internal audit functions with international best practices, such as those issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS). According to a 2002 guidance note, India banks are required to put in place a risk-based internal audit system Read More