Category: Articles


COSO Report Details How To Use Blockchain In Internal Controls

With technology on the rise, blockchain has become an area of interest for companies looking to use the technology to bolster their own internal control systems. The Commission of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO), a joint-association of which the Institute of Internal Auditors is a member, has released Read More

internal auditor development

Building Internal Audit Team Skills in a Virtual World

Working virtually means doing business differently, but it doesn’t mean that internal auditor development should stop. Team learning is as critical and attainable as ever. Developing the skills of the internal audit team is critical to executing the audit plan and contributing to auditor satisfaction. Internal auditors who feel their Read More

going out of business

Survey: Internal Auditors Worry About Long-Term Viability in the Face of COVID-19

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to ravage the economy, companies have had to pivot their strategies and adapt to the challenges that the virus has surfaced. To assess how organizations are handling this crisis from an audit perspective, the Institute of Internal Auditors conducted a survey of the responses by Read More

Lease accounting

Audit Survey: Companies Struggling with New Lease Accounting Rules

The first audits completed under the landmark new lease accounting standard are in, and companies say they were challenging. According to a new survey, half of the public companies that have completed their first post-transition audit under the new lease accounting rules report additional effort was needed for the process. Read More


Four Ways To Add Value As Internal Audit

The role of internal audit has expanded as auditors have taken on more responsibilities. Businesses no longer only look to the function as evaluators of effectiveness, but also urge internal auditors to add value to their organizations. Thus, internal auditors are now expected to improve efficiency and operations, especially in Read More

GDPR image

EU Courts Strike Down Data Privacy Shield Leaving U.S. Companies Vulnerable

Businesses will need to find new ways of transferring data from the European Economic Area (EEA) to the United States after European courts struck down the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Shield program. The rulings sets new hurdles for companies trying to operate across borders, especially as data and information are increasingly Read More

Report Clarifies Internal Audit’s Role in Fighting Fraud

As high-profile fraud cases continue to make headlines and the Coronavirus Crisis heightens concerns about fraud, a new survey could help internal auditors understand fraud risk management at their organizations. The report, “Fraud Risk Management in Internal Audit,” takes a deep look at internal audit’s role in identifying and mitigating Read More