Government May Be Shelving Probe of Equifax Data Disaster


Reuters is reporting that the new head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau may be behind the lack of progress in the investigation in the Equifax data breach that occurred last fall. “Mick Mulvaney, head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, has pulled back from a full-scale probe of how Equifax Inc failed to protect the personal data of millions of consumers, according to people familiar with the matter,” the news organization reported this week.

Equifax said in September that hackers stole personal data it had collected on some 143 million Americans. Richard Cordray, then the CFPB director, authorized an investigation that month, said former officials familiar with the probe. But Cordray resigned in November and was replaced by Mulvaney, President Donald Trump’s budget chief. The CFPB effort against Equifax has sputtered since then, said several government and industry sources, according to Reuters.


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