The Institute of Internal Auditors announced the appointment of Patricia K. Miller, veteran internal auditor and former IIA global chairman as its representative on the board of directors of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) according to a news release.
The IIA is one of the five sponsoring organizations of COSO, and Miller will succeed Richard Chambers, president and CEO of the IIA, who has represented the institute on the board since 2009.
Miller had been in the industry for more than three decades, including 14 years at Big Four firm Deloitte where she was the lead risk services partner and led the national risk management function in the U.S. for internal audit and owns PKMiller Risk Consulting LLC.
Miller is a longtime volunteer leader in the IIA, serving as the global chairman in 2008-09. She also has been a member of The IIA’s executive committee and served as chair of the International Internal Audit Standards Board.
She received the William G. Bishop III CIA Lifetime Achievement Award in 2016 and the Victor Z. Brink Award for Distinguished Service in 2013; and she also was inducted in 2013 into the American Hall of Distinguished Audit Practitioners, which recognizes key individuals who have contributed significantly to the internal audit profession throughout their lifetime.
“This is an important passing of the torch for The IIA, as Richard has dedicated himself to advancing COSO’s initiatives and the importance of effective enterprise risk management and internal control for the past 11 years,” said J. Michael Joyce Jr, IIA global chairman, according to the release. “Patty also offers significant expertise in governance, control and risk management, making her an ideal addition to the COSO board. She is well-regarded for her extraordinary leadership and commitment to the profession as a practitioner, speaker, instructor, author, and mentor to scores of other professionals. I am certain that she will help further COSO’s important mission and represent The IIA very well in the years to come.”
Stephanie Liu is assistant editor at Internal Audit 360°