Continuing a long-standing tradition that started in the 1990s, the internal audit community is observing “International Internal Audit Awareness Month” this May. During the month, internal auditors around the world share examples of how the profession provides value to organizations, spotlight the profession’s commitment to good governance and risk management, and explain how internal auditors protect the public interest. Members of the internal audit community are celebrating the profession all during the month of May.
“Internal auditors are a vital part of organizations around the world, from the largest companies to local governments and everything in between. If you are a member, volunteer, employee, or in any other way involved in our great profession, I invite and encourage you to be an active participant in internal audit awareness month and help us celebrate all the ways that internal auditors are driving business success and protecting the public,” said Anthony Pugliese, president and CEO of the Institute of Internal Auditors in a statement.
To help internal auditors get the word out about the positives the profession brings to organizations around the world, the IIA has developed a Building Awareness Toolkit, offering creative ideas and tips, sample programs, videos, tools, and templates all designed around generating greater awareness of the important work that you do. You may have seen the graphic that some internal auditors have posted to their LinkedIn pages and elsewhere.
“Our goal this month is twofold: First, to raise awareness for the general public who may not understand the work we do or the value we add to organizations. This helps bring our work into the spotlight, where future potential internal auditors have a better chance to learn about our great profession, making them more likely to join our family and ensuring a robust pipeline for the future,” said Pugliese. “Second, to ensure the business community has a clear view of the essential role we play in strong organizational governance, internal control, and effective risk management. When organizations fully appreciate the breadth and depth of our contributions, they are more likely to adequately source the internal audit function and appropriately utilize our expertise.”
Revising the Standards
The IIA is also using the occasion to encourage internal auditors to provide feedback on the first draft of a revision to its professional practice standards. “This month is also the perfect time for you to participate in and promote the public comment period for the proposed Global Internal Audit Standards,” the IIA said. “Be sure to download the Standards and take the survey, available in more than twenty languages, by May 30 to help influence the future of internal auditing.” You can find some feedback on the Standards update here and here.
Take advantage of Internal Audit Awareness Month and help get the word out about the positive impact internal audit makes to organizations around the world!
Joseph McCafferty is editor & publisher of Internal Audit 360°