Tag: Culture

DC Metro Audit

DC Metro Ops Center Putting Riders in Danger, Audit Finds

Management at the Washington, D.C., Rail Operations Control Center (ROCC) fosters a toxic culture that puts customers at risk of physical harm, an audit conducted by the Washington Metrorail Safety Commission (WMSC) says. The 50-page WMSC audit report details more than 20 safety and structural issues in the 24-hour “nerve Read More

Demystifying Risk Culture Assurance

Demystifying Risk Culture Assurance

It’s likely that most internal auditors and risk managers can appreciate the expression: “The more things change, they more they stay the same.” That’s because they see it in action all the time. At most companies, for example, the internal audit and risk management capabilities have improved considerably over the Read More

Andy Fastow is back with a message on fraud.

Enron’s Andy Fastow Is Back with an Important Message on Fraud

Editor’s Blog Former Enron CFO Andy Fastow was at the center of one of Corporate America’s most notorious frauds. He helped orchestrate the series of off-the-books special purpose entities that enabled Enron to hide its failings and propped the company up before its inevitable collapse. For his part in the Read More

During Culture Audits, Pay Attention to the Little Red Flags

Guest Blog: Once upon a time, Little Red Riding Hood ventured out into the forest to visit her poor, sick grandmother. Along the way, she encountered a charming wolf, which gave her no cause for alarm. Although he asked countless questions about where she was going and distracted her with beautiful flowers, Read More

Mind the Gap

Google’s Pay Gap Internal Audit Yields Surprising Result

After accusations of wage discrimination against Google for underpaying women for doing similar jobs that men were doing, the tech giant began conducting internal audits in 2012 to look for pay disparity between the genders and with other minority groups. But Google didn’t stop there. It also set up a Read More

managing audit quality

How Total Quality Auditing Can Help Internal Audit Achieve Excellence

Could a decades old management strategy that helped U.S. and European companies respond to the gains in quality made by Japanese manufacturers in the 1980s somehow help internal audit shops improve their game? The answer is yes, and not only can it improve internal audit, it can push the function Read More

looking to behavioral science for compliance answers

Does Your Internal Audit Team Need a Behavioral Scientist?

It’s no secret that companies have been adopting a more data-centric approach to managing risk and compliance and to improving internal audit. They are installing fancy software packages and hiring data analytics experts to help them sift through oceans of valuable data to look for patterns and outliers. But some Read More

commonwealth bank branch office

Aussie Internal Auditors Push for Reforms

(PHOTO: Commonwealth Bank Branch office, by Maksym Kozlenko, used under CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons) Still reeling from a series of scandals and failures, Australian internal auditors are demanding some changes that would give them more power to obtain information and more independence from management. According to a report in Read More

empty boardroom

Report Provides Tips on How Internal Audit Can Improve Governance

Good corporate governance doesn’t happen automatically, even when a great board and senior management are in place. Effective corporate governance is the result of several elements and functions coming together, including organizational policies, processes, and cross-functional interactions. And internal audit has an important job to do to ensure those elements Read More