Tag: Ethics


The Attributes of Internal Audit that Drive Value for the Business

The internal audit profession is changing rapidly these days and the exact role of the auditor is in flux as they seek to retain influence in the organization. The internal audit function’s main objective is to add value to the organization through recommendations and audits, based on a systematic, disciplined Read More

Companies Still Slow to Provide Harassment Training for Directors

More companies are providing compliance and ethics training for board members in light of the recent string of sexual harassment charges at several organizations and the emergence of the #MeToo campaign, according to a new report. But many companies still provide little or no specific sexual harassment training to directors, Read More

Hear no evil

Internal Audit Reports ‘Diluted, Suppressed, and Ignored’

Internal auditors are seeing their audit reports get “diluted or suppressed” by senior executives or even having their careers derailed when they raise red flags within large corporations, according to an Australia internal auditor. The allegations, by Peter Jones, head of the Institute of Internal Auditors’ Australia chapter, comes in Read More

Elizabth Johnstone

Aussie Exchange Official: Internal Audit Needs to Toughen Up

Elizabeth Johnstone, the chairman of the ASX Corporate Governance Council in Australia, has a frank message for internal auditors: stop being intimidated by company executives and board members. While Johnstone was addressing risk and governance failures in Australia, including multiple scandals at the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, her words serve Read More

Why Trust Is Critical to Internal Audit Success

The following is a guest blog by internal audit Roger Ngong. If you would like to contribute to Internal Audit 360°, please read our contributor guidelines. Let’s talk about trust. Trust is the one indispensable thing in our work as internal auditors, the relationships in our lives, and very likely Read More

Elaine Dolan

Internal Auditor to Parliament: ‘The Buck Stops with Me!’

As an investigation continues into a scandal involving a failed incentive plan to encourage homeowners in Northern Ireland to adopt renewable energy, an internal auditor is taking a measure of responsibility. Elaine Dolan, former senior auditor of Northern Ireland’s Department of Enterprise, Trade, and Investment (DETI), which administered the Renewable Read More

WSU athletics

Internal Audit Report Details Mismanagement at WSU Athletics

An internal audit has found extensive mismanagement within the budget-challenged Washington State athletic department, including the possible inflation of home football attendance figures and the improper distribution of free tickets to football games. “The environment within Athletics … did not support a culture of compliance or fiscal responsibility,” according to Read More

U. of Michigan Disputes Its Own Internal Audit Report on Endowment

University of Michigan officials say that a 2014 internal audit of its investment office, which controls a $10 billion endowment, reached several faulty conclusions. The university disputed the audit, which found more than a dozen problems with oversight of the endowment, arguing that the audit department, University Audits, didn’t have Read More