Category: Insight 360°

Longer feature articles by Internal Audit 360 editors or contributors. These typically include reporting and provide a full insight on a given topic or development.

what internal auditors should know about blockchain

What Every Internal Auditor Needs to Know About Blockchain

Cyrptocurrencies, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, have their supporters and their naysayers. No matter what you think about the usefulness of these virtual currencies, however, their emergence has given rise to an underlying technology that nearly everyone agrees will be invaluable to the future of finance and accounting: Blockchain. While blockchain Read More

Conducting an investigation

Five Critical Points to Consider When Conducting Investigations

It is difficult today to avoid news about allegations and subsequent investigations. First, it was a slew of high profile allegations about sexual misconduct—which continues. More recently, it’s about abuse of power in the government. And rarely a day goes by without some news of a financial fraud, bribery, or Read More

Machine learning could improve cloud security

How Machine Learning Can Boost Cloud Security

Companies are struggling to keep their networks secure, particularly when they involve cloud computing, but an emerging technology—machine learning—could provide some help to eliminate unauthorized communication in your cloud. One of the biggest challenges of managing network security is understanding the environment: What assets are present? How are they communicating? Read More

Conducting Risk Assessments the Total Quality Auditing Way

Ever wonder why incidents of fraud, wrongdoing, and other calamities in various forms continue at organizations year after year, decade after decade, and even seem to be increasing in frequency? Inevitably, after such crises someone asks, “Where were the auditors?” As much as I hate to admit it, the answer Read More