Category: Articles

New Survey Examines the Pandemic’s Impact on Internal Audit

As the vaccination effort continues and hope is spreading that we might be nearing the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s still too early to assess the long-term impact the past year of crisis will have on daily life, the economy, and—as it relates here—the internal audit profession. Now, a Read More

Agents of Change

A Call for a Revolutionary Evolution in Internal Audit

A new book is calling for a faster and deeper transformation of the internal audit profession. The book, by Richard Chambers, president and CEO of the Institute of Internal Auditors, asserts that internal auditors must not only embrace change, but become a catalyst for transformation in order to be ready Read More

advice vs. assurance

Assurance vs. Advisory Work: Is it Time to Rebalance?

Most internal audit functions spend somewhere between 80 and 100 percent of their time doing traditional internal audits, generally known as “assurance work.” Yet, many also do some level of advisory work, and aspire to do more. Many chief audit executives fret over how to allocate internal audit’s limited resources Read More

Opposition Arises to Navy Plan to Slash Internal Audit Budget

The Institute of Internal Auditors sent the Secretary of Defense a letter expressing “deep concern” over a proposal that would “effectively demolish” the U.S. Navy’s Internal Audit Service through a 70 percent budget reduction. The budget cut, proposed during the previous administration and currently under review, would “disproportionately divest crucial Read More

empty boardroom

Why CEOs and CFOs Should Engage with Internal Audit

A high-quality internal audit function can have a huge influence on a business. “Actually, we have a dual role to play,” David Jardine, senior vice president, internal audit at BP plc noted recently. “We’re a custodian of value for shareholders and we’re here to hold management to account. We help Read More